2020-06-05 04:57
Weakening 24h cycle
weakening 24h cycle es 24h
2020-06-05 03:54
Upside 24h with potential for at least session high
upside 24h with potential for at least session high es 24h
2020-06-05 03:49
MD upside
md upside es md
2020-06-05 03:42
Upside MW
upside mw es mw
2020-06-04 09:30

I updated the functionality on the tag search result page, so that the screen shots are shown as well. So now it is possible to click on a tag (like 24h, MD etc) and see only those analyses in a sequence.

2020-06-04 08:24
24h update
24h update es 24h