2018-10-01 01:48

The long awaited trading workshop in Colorado is now behind me. It was my third workshop, and it could easily have ended like the two previous workshops - with a lot of learning but no real progress in terms of actual trading. Instead things turned out very differently for me and I grabbed the opportunity to seriously work on my trade plan - work that I have been putting off for years.

I am now eager to get back into live trading. I will focus on only one specific setup based on the dominant trend, and not fall into the trap of opening up for setups potentially going in different directions. In addition I am stripping down number of things I look for in the charts to the absolute minimum - Keep It Simple Stupid! I am still working on my trade plan, and hence is the chart clean up also a work in progress. Only stuff directly contributing to taking the most efficient trading decisions will remain on the charts.

And I am shifting my focus over to the NQ, which for the time being gives great risk:reward opportunities.


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