
This blog documents a part of the journey of one trader becoming successful and when that happens - staying consistently profitable. The lure with trading is that the most important thing seems to be to master technical analysis. Well - it is not. The most important thing, and also the hardest, is to master one self in order to read the market properly without all the biases and weird beliefs we have gathered and also to take the right trading decisions. I want to spare you from the trivial” task of mastering yourself in this blog. Go and seek help (or figure it out on your own) - and do it soon if you want to succeed :-)

So the main focus will be on technical analysis. Once in a while, though, thoughts on trading psychology or tools for change will be posted.

Commonly used abbreviations in this blog:

  • MY - more than 12 months
  • MM - around 3-4 months
  • MW - around 3 weeks
  • MD - around 3-7 days
  • 24h - around 24 hours
  • session - around 6 hours

All time stamps are in Central Standard Time.

Trading involves risk. Any information on this blog is for educational and entertainment purposes only and does not contain any financial advice. Any decision you take based on information from this blog is your own responsibility.